EDITORIAL: Internship plan noble if rolled out properly
Sunday, June 9, 2019 22:00

Reports that Parliament has included a Sh1 billion allocation in the budget for the year starting July for the hiring of interns are bound to spark mixed reactions from Kenyans.
While the allocation will go a long way in enabling fresh university graduates gain the requisite experience and earn some upkeep, many Kenyans are wondering whether it shall result in better leadership from the legislators.
The country’s unemployment rate currently stands at 40 percent hence any move aimed at alleviating the trend will obviously come in handy.
Our institutions of higher learning churn out fresh graduates every year but they lack the appropriate experience to fit in the labour market. Hence the internship plan has good potential if well utilised.
The National Assembly’s Budget and Appropriation Committee wants the Parliamentary Service Commission to hire the interns from every constituency. They will reportedly earn Sh25,000 per month once the budget is approved. One wonders whether our MPs will utilise the interns and use their input to improve their role in the august House. Our parliament is normally plagued by lack of quorum despite the billions of shillings taxpayers have spent sprucing up the House. The frequent sight of empty chairs during the televised debates just goes to show that many of our legislators are not keen on representing their constituents.
We also hope that the hiring exercise will not be bogged down by vested interests and the most qualified candidates should not be denied the chance to serve their country.
Given that our leaders have a propensity for always tapping the tapping the taxpayers’ trough, we opine that if the proposed budgetary allocation is approved the legislators will in turn offer positive leadership by attending to their duties without fail.
For example, the interns based at the constituency would be able to assist the people’s representatives in liaising with the constituents at the grassroots.
If properly utilised, their contribution can go a long way in not only ensuring that the man and woman on the ground benefits but also in helping improve the quality of debates on the floor of the House. The legislators should know that Kenyans are watching them and must always strive to put public funds into good use.
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